+7 Best Google Maps Scrapers [2024 Edition]

Sasha Bouloudnine
February 14, 2024
10 min read

You want to scrape establishments (and their emails!) on Google Maps but don't know which one to choose?

And it's true that there are so many to choose from, you'd get lost...

In this article, we'll take a look at the 7 best Google Maps scrapers on the market. To collect a maximum number of leads in a minimum amount of time.

And 10x your lead generation.

Let's go

What is a Google Maps scraper?

A scraper is a robot that's browsing around the web. It extracts data on automated or is performing actions on your behalf.

In other words, it's a tool that saves you time. And time is money.

But what is a Google Maps scraper?

It's very simple: it's a web scraper that moves around Google Maps pages. And it retrieves data from all the establishments.

In other words it’s an automated Google Maps data extractor. Convert unstructured web data from Google Maps into a structured Excel spreadsheet.

The 7 best Google Maps Scrapers

  1. Lobstr.io
  2. Outscraper
  3. Scrape-it
  4. GMapsExtractor
  5. Apify
  6. MapsScraper
  7. Octoparse

Why use a Google Maps Scraper?

There are lots of different uses:

  1. Monitor your competitors (!)
  2. Market research
  3. Find a nice place to go on vacation

But these remain residual cases.

A Google Maps scraper is mainly used to scrape business listings from Google Maps.

Usually to extract phone numbers and emails at scale. And build large lists of B2B leads, and activate email marketing.

Is it possible to scrape Emails from Google Maps?

It won't have escaped you: emails are nowhere to be found on Google Maps. That's normal - unlike the phone, Google doesn't broadcast them.

So, do we absolutely have to write them off? Absolutely not.

Some scrapers - such as our superb Google Maps Search Export - are capable of recovering emails.

How does it work?

First, we search Google Maps for an establishment's website.

Then, our scraper goes to the site and retrieves the emails present in two possible places

  1. The home page
  2. The "Contact us" page (or anything similar)

For more information, you can read our dedicated article right here.

Long story short, yes it is absolutely legal. Let’s deep dive in.

It's a complex question, and one that many people are asking.

To be completely honest, we have to admit that Google doesn't like it.

And for several reasons:

  1. It increases their server costs
  2. It decreases revenues for their competing product Places API
  3. It increases competitive intensity in their market

And by the way, if you look at their terms of use, it's strictly forbidden.

However, scraping, i.e. the collection of public data on the Internet, is an entirely legal activity.

There is no property right in public data. No one can prevent it from being retrieved, whether manually or automatically.

On April 18, 2022, the 9th Circuit of the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed, in the LinkedIn vs. Hiq Labs case, what had been said before: scraping is legal.

To find out more, read our in-depth article, available free of charge here.

What are the different types of Google Maps scrapers?

There are exactly 3 types of Google Maps scraper:

  1. Cloud Scraper
  2. Add-on Scraper
  3. Desktop Scraper

What are the differences between the three?

Cloud Scraper

A Cloud Scraper is, as the name suggests, a scraper that will run on the Cloud. In other words, a scraper that doesn't run on your computer.

It’s cloud-based.

This is the case with our Google Maps Search Export scraper, for example.


  1. Remain anonymous
  2. Scrap data day and night
  3. Launch several scrapers simultaneously
  4. Do not consume your own resources


  1. You need to go to the webpage service to launch a scrape

If you'd like a detailed tutorial, it's right here, folks.

This is overall the scraper type of choice, unless you need 10 listings every 6 months. And still…

Add-On Scraper

An add-on scraper is a scraping tool that can be launched by clicking on the add-on icon in the top right-hand corner of your Chrome browser.

It will take control (!) of your computer, and automatically browse Google Maps pages, extracting precious contact data.

It's attractive on paper, quick to launch and always at hand.

The problem is, it requires your computer to be switched on. In other words, it'll suck the resources out of your own computer. Day and night.

Unless you have heating problems in winter, there's absolutely no point.


  1. Easy to launch
  2. Playful


  1. Slow
  2. Discontinuous
  3. Resource-hungry

Endly, you can get banned. The IP address you use is well seen by Google. And Google will put obstacles in your way: captcha, IP bans, sometimes even deleted accounts.

If you want to scrape 100 listings from time to time, that's fine. Otherwise, we really don't recommend it.

Desktop Scraper

And Desktop Scraper... it's the disadvantages of the former with the disadvantages of the latter.

You download a program onto your desktop. Which will then scrape the information from Google… from your computer.

In other words, it's like a scraper add-on, but you can't launch it easily.


  1. None


  1. Slow
  2. Resource-hungry
  3. Compromised anonymity
  4. Complicated to install


We don't recommend it.

What are the best Google Maps Scrapers?

The best Google Maps Scrapers:

  1. Lobstr.io
  2. Outscraper
  3. Scrape-it
  4. GMapsExtractor
  5. Apify
  6. MapsScraper
  7. Octoparse

1. Lobstr.io

Lobstr.io is a French company founded in 2019. Launch up to 20+ no-code scrapers from a fluid and elegant interface online.


And we provide a dedicated Google Maps scraper: Lobstr.io Google Maps Search Export/

Extract Google Maps data at scale, including phones and emails. Build large B2B leads lists. Boost your lead generation.

Powerful and user-friendly web scraping tool.


Cloud Scraper ☁️


  1. Collect all Google Places from a Google Maps search URL
  2. Recover emails & social network links
  3. Auto-export to GoogleSheet
  4. Deduplication


  1. Easy to use
  2. Freaking fast
  3. Clean UX
  4. Extract Emails & Social Media
  5. Extract all business information
  6. Automatic export
  7. Free plan with 3000 establishments per day


  1. No email verification
  2. No possibility to target a whole area
  3. Unclear minute pricing
  4. Payment in euros


1 USD for 1000 listings with email

Good for

Marketers or growth hackers who want to scrape data from Google Maps from time to time. Or developers who want to bomb with API and multi-threading.


OK for any kind of volume.

✅ 100 locations ✅ 1000 locations ✅ 10000 establishments

2. Outscraper

OutScraper is an American company founded in 2021. It also offers a list of no-code scrapers to launch from the cloud.

OutScraper Google Maps Scraper is a scraper that extract data from Google Maps, including email, based on a list of categories and regions.


Cloud Scraper ☁️


  1. Collect establishments from keywords and regions
  2. Easily target an entire area
  3. Retrieve emails
  4. Verify emails


  1. Easy to target an entire area
  2. List of categories already provided
  3. Email verification
  4. Gives an estimate of price and time before launch


  1. No free plan
  2. Bad UX after launch


USD 3 for 1000 listings with emails

Good for

Marketers or growth hackers who need to generate leads with emails from Google Maps from time to time.


OK for any volume.

✅ 100 locations ✅ 1000 locations ✅ 10000 locations

3. Scrape-it

Scrape-it is a US company founded in 2022, which mainly offers an unblocker accessible via API. Send a link, and retrieve the raw data.

In addition, it offers a few no-code scrapers to launch directly from an interface. And in particular the Google Maps Scraper.

Type: Cloud Scraper ☁️


  1. Scrapes Google Maps data by keyword and zone
  2. Scrape emails
  3. Deduplicates


  1. Targets an entire area
  2. Emails
  3. UX clean at launch
  4. Estimates total time and total price before launch
  5. 1000 free credits


  1. No email verification
  2. Expensive
  3. Unclear UX once launched


USD 6 per 1000 ⚠️

Good for

Marketers and growth hackers who want to pick up establishments and emails from time to time.


OK for any volume.

✅ 100 locations ✅ 1000 locations ✅ 10000 locations

4. GMapsExtractor

GMapsExtractor was founded in 2022. It's impossible to know which country the creators are from, but if you do, please contact us!

It offers a hard-to-install, but pretty cool, add-on that retrieves establishments. To be launched directly from your browser.


Add-on Scraper ⚙️


  1. Scrapes Google Maps data by clicking on the Chrome add-on
  2. Get emails


  1. 1-click launch
  2. Simple data structure
  3. Competitive price


  1. Horrible to install
  2. 10 results only with the free plan
  3. No email in the free plan
  4. Missing some key attributes in the data structure
  5. You have to leave your computer on


USD 0.5 per 1000 results

Good for

Marketers and growth hackers who want to get google maps listings and emails in small quantities from time to time.


OK for small volumes.

✅ 100 establishments ❌ 1000 establishments ❌ 10000 establishments

5. Apify

Apify is a Czech company, a pioneer since it was founded in 2015, and passed through the famous Y Combinator.

It mainly offers an infrastructure to help developers create scrapers. And a list of over 1,000 no-code automations to launch online.

These include the Google Places Crawler.

Type Cloud Scraper ☁️


  1. Scrape Google Maps business data by keyword and location
  2. Scrape Google Maps Reviews
  3. Scrape local businesses images


  1. Interesting integrations
  2. Works well
  3. Highly customizable
  4. Communicative UX


  1. Very (very) complex 👽
  2. Unreadable CSV data format
  3. Quite expensive
  4. No email!


USD 5 per 1000 results

Good for

Developers who want a reliable, customizable tool to accurately perform data collection. For lead generation, no email, and too complex: we don't recommend it.


OK for any volume.

✅ 100 establishments ✅ 1000 establishments ✅ 10000 establishments

6. MapsScraper

MapsScraper is a copy-cat of GMapsExtractor, with an add-on, like its predecessor.


Add-on Scraper ⚙️


  1. Scrape Google Maps data by clicking on the Chrome add-on
  2. Scrape emails


  1. Really cheap


  1. Works 1 time out of 10
  2. Horrible to install
  3. You have to leave your computer on


USD 15/month for unlimited listings

Good for

Adventurers, who want to participate in the development of a not-ugly tool in alpha. And not spend too much money.


OK for small volumes.

✅ 100 establishments ❌ 1000 establishments ❌ 10000 establishments

7. Octoparse

Octoparse is a US company, founded back in 2016.

It offers a click-and-build tool to develop your own no-code scraper. And a set of already-built no-code scrapers.

These include the... Store details by keyword_Google Maps (I swear that's the real name).


Desktop Scraper 🪑


  1. Scrape store details from Google Maps by keyword


  1. None


  1. Incomprehensible launch space
  2. Not possible to specify location 🤷
  3. Absurd desktop setup redirecting to the cloud
  4. No free plan without entering your billing details
  5. No email


USD 0.2 per 1000 results

Good for

Frankly nobody in the current state of the product. Move on.


OK for no volume.

❌ 100 establishments ❌ 1000 establishments ❌ 10000 establishments

1516989175726.jpegSasha Bouloudnine

Co-founder @ lobstr.io since 2019. Genuine data avid and lowercase aesthetic observer. Ensure you get the hot data you need.

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